What Owners Need to Know About Florida Condo Deconversion
Condominium deconversion is a hot topic because aging condominiums require updates, modernization, and capital improvements. Learn more about what Florida condo owners can do!
Coming in 2026: Term Limits for Condo Directors
The Florida legislature rolled out member term limits for condominium association directors in January 2024. This article highlights those changes coming in 2026.
HOA Document Hierarchy Guide Part II - FAQs
As an HOA board member, you must uphold and follow the association’s governing documents. Below are some frequently asked questions
How to Update Your HOA Governing Documents
New board members and homeowners must establish what the governing documents are, how often they're updated, and the steps it takes to correct them.
Clearing The Air: Dealing With Secondhand Smoke in Your HOA
An HOA can choose not to place any restrictions on smoking, or it can ban smoking altogether. Adopting protocols that align with state laws and declarations is essential, whatever the outcome.
How to Amend Your HOA Bylaws and Covenants
Governing homeowners associations include documents, including the bylaws and the CC&Rs. However, there will come a time when you will need to amend those documents. Continue reading to learn how to change HOA bylaws and CC&Rs.
Condo Rental Insurance and What it Covers
Navigating rentals in a condo association is already hard enough; adding insurance can be maddening. Yet, condo rental insurance is a significant asset every condo rental owner should get.
Building Trust with Condo Association Goodwill
Condo association goodwill is an intangible but crucial part of keeping a managed community together. HOA goodwill is not simple to measure, yet it's something that you can instantly see as soon as you spend time in a community. Let's look at a few different things you can try to spread goodwill in community associations.
HOA Common Practices for Common Areas
When you buy a home in an HOA, you automatically become a member of that HOA. That comes with certain obligations, such as paying regular dues and routine property maintenance. But, it also comes with the benefit of using common amenities and spaces. And those dues you pay maintain the association's common areas.
FLORIDA HB403: How the Bill Affects HOAS
While operating a home-based business in Florida isn't a problem, the bill introduces a few key issues. Homeowners associations, in particular, are worried that the legislation might alter the character of the communities. Read on to learn more.
Homeowner Insurance & HOA Insurance: What's the Difference?
While both homeowners insurance and HOA insurance offer protection, they are not the same. The critical difference between these two types of insurance is what they cover. Homeowner insurance typically applies to the property and personal belongings of the homeowner, whereas HOA insurance applies to the property and liability of the homeowners association.
Creating Plans to Prepare for Hurricane Season
Hurricane season is less than a month away! Do you have a plan? We do. And we're standing by to help keep your HOA safe—before, during, and after a storm.
7 Trending Remodeling Ideas to Boost a Neighborhoods Curb Appeal
Read to learn about the top home remodeling jobs people are going for this year and why they're so helpful for every homeowner that wants to try them.
Who's Responsible for Inside Maintenance in your HOA?
How can Board Members effectively make sure everyone in the community is doing their part on the upkeep of the inside of their homes? We are here to answer your questions about inside maintenance responsibilities.
Preparing for an HOA Volunteer Role
A homeowners association (HOA) is no better than the board of directors that leads it. The association must develop excellent and willing volunteers for it to be successful. Outstanding board members understand that their position is of service rather than control. They serve their neighbors; they don’t supervise them. A service-forward attitude results in a defenseless perspective, so new ideas and opinions are welcomed and not perceived as insults or threats.
The Responsibilities of an HOA Community Manager
A community association manager's role is many. Association managers implement the policies set by the board of directors. They also oversee operations, services, and programs as laid out in the contract with the association. In addition, they provide information and advice to assist board members in their decision-making.
Your HOA Storm Cleanup Guide
Hurricane season is right around the corner. Residents should brace for strong winds, heavy rain, and flash flooding. Florida residents should be prepared to respond to a natural disaster effectively and efficiently.
Five Tips for a Successful Board Meeting
Board Meetings are the backbone of the homeowners association (HOA). From budget concerns to hot topics or issues in the community, board members must run a successful meeting to reach the HOA's goals.
10 Tips for Preparing Budgets for HOAs and Condos
Budgeting is vital to the success of your homeowners' association (HOA) and can prevent your community from facing financial troubles. Here are some tips to ensure that your community association is proactive, prepared, and adequately plans for the future.
How to Retain New Homeowners in Your HOA
To be a genuinely successful HOA, you can't simply focus all your efforts on attracting new homeowners. Your board must also work hard to keep new and existing members. All methods from last week's post apply, but here are a few additional tips for retaining homeowners.