Condo association goodwill is an intangible but crucial part of keeping a managed community together. HOA goodwill is not simple to measure, yet it's something that you can instantly see as soon as you spend time in a community. Let's look at a few different things you can try to spread goodwill in community associations.

Why Condo Association Goodwill is Important

condo association needs to survive and thrive. Thus, it needs a good strategy to make the most available resources. It also needs to take assessments into account and keep a proper budget. It often takes sound financial management to bring all these about.

But when it comes to the condo association, there's one crucial resource that should not get ignored. In terms of money or evaluation ratings, HOA goodwill is not easy to measure. However, goodwill can accomplish a lot of things. More importantly, it makes your condo association a much more pleasant place to live. 

Are you Currently Building Condo Association Goodwill? 

It takes goodwill to build relationships and start building trust. After that, goodwill keeps your interactions going smoothly. It's an essential lubricant for social interactions, especially for people and groups you deal with daily. Likewise, it helps build that feeling that you can trust someone, whether taking the initiative to do something beneficial for both parties or to stand by their word.

Goodwill and the trust you build with it are necessary for making progress. On the other hand, the lack of goodwill impedes making things happen. The total absence of goodwill even is hazardous to everyone involved.

Condo association goodwill is like the goodwill you need in a regular workplace. You want people to feel willing to contribute and to act as a part of the team. Otherwise, every task becomes a chore. You see people going through the motions as they do their jobs.

There are also a lot of tasks involved in maintaining a condo association. So it's never good for people to treat their jobs as another set of crappy hours to endure. Especially if you have a self-managed HOA or condo board member team, that's why building that condo association goodwill is essential.

Building Goodwill with Owners 

It's a given that the board members of a condo association management team should get along well. While owners are also board members in a sense, the way you foster goodwill with them may need a different approach. After all, board members do not talk with the owners too often. Sometimes, the condo board may not directly interact with a fraction of the owners – save for the occasional email reminder.

Therefore, take action when building goodwill with owners. When the owners know that their needs are taken care of, that's a big plus for your condo community. Owners may not seem to care for the condo association members, but they do care about the condo community. Thus, condo management must do right by them. The condo management team can win owners over simply by being a good steward of the condo association. So that means keeping the condo association financially stable, safe, and compliant with regulations.

It's also imperative for the condo association to be transparent to its members, as well. That's especially true for enacting condo rules or enforcing them. Some regulations may not agree with some of your condo owners. But as long as the condo association management team clearly shows a transparent and even-handed implementation of these rules, condo association goodwill is still maintained.

Maintaining Goodwill with Service Providers 

Doing business with your service vendors must be done in good faith—both parties' contracts and business relationship define their roles. With goodwill, both sides can benefit when someone goes the extra mile to help the other. That's how condo association goodwill makes a huge difference.

Your relationship with your vendors can significantly affect the performance you get. It's reasonable to expect good performance for the pay your condo association is providing them. You'll be surprised that sometimes your vendors can do something extra for no reason. That's condo association goodwill at work.

On the other hand, a lack of goodwill can be detrimental to a business relationship with your service provider. Unmotivated vendors will go through the motions. They may even go the extra mile to provide only the services in the contract and nothing else.

Goodwill is a must if you plan to work with a provider for years. With a great relationship, you have an advantage when negotiating contracts. Plus, you can trust them more to do their job, even without strict supervision.

Condo Association Goodwill Builds Communities 

Condo association goodwill is the foundation of solid condo communities. Your residents can come home to a condo community that's safer, cleaner, and better maintained — often with no extra expense involved. When goodwill is bountiful in a managed community, people work harder, and everyone gets better results.

Need a massive favor for a big project? With many condo association goodwills built up, you can get more done. Your owners are more supportive of your project, and your vendors can work hard for your sake. Plus, that same goodwill can save your HOA board at a later time, should you need it. Call Condominium Associates today for more information about goodwill and how you can establish it in your condo association. 


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