The Differences Between CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Rules & Regulations

The function of the CC&Rs or the property management company's role in implementing them can be confusing. Therefore, it’s always best to work with your management company to develop guidelines that work best for your community.

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Why You Should Volunteer for a Nonprofit Board Part I

Did you know that you don't have to be interested or involved in a specific cause to serve on a nonprofit board of directors? The fact is that there are lots of nonprofits right in your community that has vacancies on their boards of directors. A great deal of the time, they don't even require prior experience.

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What if HOA Members want to Sue to the Board?

Has your board instituted an ethics policy for all directors and committees? Typically, the first requirement is that all nominees for directors sign a confidentiality promise never to sue the board. So, if a board member does something wrong, illegal or unethical, how can the HOA get relief?

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Can an HOA Board Install Bulk Cable and Internet?

Has your board of directors of your homeowners’ association recently consider a bulk contract for cable television and internet service for your community. While the association has not previously provided cable or internet service to the residents, the association signed the contract to force homeowners to pay for the service as part of their assessments.

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HOA Civility Living Tips

Civility, like chivalry, is becoming extremely rare. Differences of opinion are no longer allowed—either someone agrees with the other person, or both may reject any polite dialogue. Today's society needs healthy ways to manage disagreements and relationships, especially in your community HOAs. Here are some tips to consider regarding the dispute and what it means (or doesn't).

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Civic Engagement Commitments for HOAs

Residents living in homeowners' associations tend to be more civic-minded and engaged with community governance. According to the Foundation's research, 2.4 million residents volunteer to serve on community association governing boards or committees. Read on to learn more.

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