What Should Homeowners Know About HOA Backyard Rules?

When you live in a homeowners association, you know that there are specific rules and regulations you must abide by. Generally speaking, these regulations are straightforward and sense-based, designed to promote community peace and help homeowners maintain their property values. 

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How to Handle Unanticipated Expenses in Your HOA 

One of the many benefits of HOA living is that homeowners share the costs of keeping up the HOA community, with economies of scale usually reducing the individual price. The association's duties are nothing more than the individual homeowner has–they're just shared.

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What Your HOA Needs to Know About Homeowners Association Pet Restrictions

Pets can be integral members of a family and, thus, integral members of a community. The average homeowners association, or HOA, welcomes four-legged residents with open arms. HOA pet restrictions can help ensure that all residents of the HOA feel safe and comfortable while also creating safeguards against things like excessive barking and noise.

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HOA Common Practices for Common Areas

When you buy a home in an HOA, you automatically become a member of that HOA. That comes with certain obligations, such as paying regular dues and routine property maintenance. But, it also comes with the benefit of using common amenities and spaces. And those dues you pay maintain the association's common areas.

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What Should HOAs do about Unenforceable HOA Rules?

HOA rules are rules that members of an HOA community must follow. These rules exist to regulate members' behavior within the association. But, how do you distinguish the unenforceable HOA rules from the enforceable ones? Read on to learn more!

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What HOAs Should Do About Lifeguard Shortages

It's that time of year again when many community associations have opened or are planning to open their pools for the summer season. But while residents have been looking forward to sunny days spent by the poolside, nationwide lifeguard shortages may challenge communities' pool operations.

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7 Trending Remodeling Ideas to Boost a Neighborhoods Curb Appeal

Read to learn about the top home remodeling jobs people are going for this year and why they're so helpful for every homeowner that wants to try them.

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The Responsibilities of an HOA Community Manager 

A community association manager's role is many. Association managers implement the policies set by the board of directors. They also oversee operations, services, and programs as laid out in the contract with the association. In addition, they provide information and advice to assist board members in their decision-making.

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How to Avoid Pool Slips in Your HOA 

The weather is starting to heat up, and visitors from all over the world are vacationing in sunny Florida. That means more people will be using the pool now and in the summer months. Learn how to avoid pool slips in your HOA with the following advice.

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6 Durable Renovation Projects to Reduce Maintenance

Constant building maintenance can be a massive issue for any rental or income property, especially with many units. However, reducing the amount of maintenance you have to do doesn't mean you have to reduce the quality of the property! These are some of the best ways to update your income properties so they can be low maintenance!

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How to Retain New Homeowners in Your HOA

To be a genuinely successful HOA, you can't simply focus all your efforts on attracting new homeowners. Your board must also work hard to keep new and existing members. All methods from last week's post apply, but here are a few additional tips for retaining homeowners.

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More HOA New Year's Resolutions

As we said last week, 2021 is coming to a close, and a new year means it's time to make resolutions. For homeowners associations, it means doing things better in the new year. Here are more of the best HOA New Year's resolutions that boards can make to improve their community!

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Five Tips to Cut Down on Playground Injuries in Your HOA

Does your community association manage a playground? You may be wondering what you can do to make sure you and your family are safe and compliant. Playgrounds are a great gathering place in the community—but unfortunately, they can spell danger for HOAs if they aren’t properly inspected and maintained.

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First-Time Homebuyers Guide to HOAs

Do you have your eyes on a particular home? The first thing you should do is ask your real estate agent if it's part of a community association.

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