Creating Plans to Prepare for Hurricane Season 


Hurricane season is less than a month away! Do you have a plan? We do. And we're standing by to help keep your HOA safe—before, during, and after a storm. Take the two detailed actions below to prepare for the worst! 

Create a Mitigation Plan

Each year the number of natural disasters increases, yet only half of the impacted communities qualify for federal assistance. Mitigation activity can help communities reduce infrastructure damage and minimize recovery time after a disaster. Communities seeking to reduce disaster impact should follow these three types of mitigation activity:

  • Identify hazards and assess vulnerabilities

  • Advance action to minimize damage to infrastructure

  • Use and share Mitigation Best Practices

Contact your maintenance company, and schedule a tree pruning to remove weak or dead branches that could cause damage or injury. In addition, contact your Condominium Associate's manager to pre-authorize maintenance clean-up to ensure crews are dispatched swiftly to your property after a storm.

Create an Emergency Contact Plan

Standard features of a hurricane plan include emergency contact information, responsibilities of the board, management, and residents, and a list of services that might be unavailable during and after a hurricane. The HOA board should update contact information and insurance requirements. At your local Condominium Associates, we keep you informed during emergencies and provide the documentation you need for potential insurance claims.

More specifically, this plan should have several checklists, including those that cover:

  • Actions for the community's incident commander

  • Tasks that residents should complete before they evacuate

  • Pre-storm and post-storm communications

  • Post-storm grounds survey and clean-up

  • Post-storm inspection of residential units

The plan should include a prepared notice advising residents of an impending hurricane and the risks of staying. It should also have a form to be filled out by residents who decide to stay and what residents should know about the association's insurance coverage and reserve funds.

Contact Us

Hurricanes can take a hard toll on your community. Working with an HOA management or condominium management company helps ensure that your community will recover and be back to normal again as quickly as possible. If you are looking for an expert community management company in Florida, contact Condominium Associates today! 


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