The Differences Between CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Rules & Regulations

The function of the CC&Rs or the property management company's role in implementing them can be confusing. Therefore, it’s always best to work with your management company to develop guidelines that work best for your community.

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Social Committee Ideas for HOA Communities Part I

In this two-part guide, we'll explore practical tips on how to start an HOA social committee and the social committee roles it occupies. Social committee guidelines also call for a social chairperson, so next week, we will focus on social chair responsibilities.

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How to Amend Your HOA Bylaws and Covenants

Governing homeowners associations include documents, including the bylaws and the CC&Rs. However, there will come a time when you will need to amend those documents. Continue reading to learn how to change HOA bylaws and CC&Rs.

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How to Create an HOA Board Resolution Plan

Within the context of a homeowners association, a resolution is a formal statement created by the board relating to the policies and decisions of the board. It contains information on the purpose of the solution, what action follows, and the board's authority to make that decision. Resolutions validate and support the board's operations.

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The Role of the HOA Vice President

A set of board members governs every homeowner's association. While the structure of the HOA board can vary from community to community, the positions more or less remain the same across a majority of them. Generally, the HOA board is headed by the president, followed by the vice president. If you intend to run for the position of vice president, it is imperative to know what the job entails.

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The Responsibilities of an HOA Community Manager 

A community association manager's role is many. Association managers implement the policies set by the board of directors. They also oversee operations, services, and programs as laid out in the contract with the association. In addition, they provide information and advice to assist board members in their decision-making.

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Guide to HOA RFPs 

One of the most complex decisions a homeowners' association (HOA) board of directors will have to make is hiring the right people for their management company. When your board writes and distributes a request for proposal (RFP), they're simplifying the process. Read on to learn about RFPs, why they're important, how to draft one, and more.

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Attracting New Homeowners to Improve the HOA Experience

A homeowners association would be nothing without its homeowners. So when properties are available, an HOA should do its best to seek out new homeowners to live in the community. But, how do you even begin to do that?

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HOA New Year's Resolutions to Make Better Communities

2021 is coming to a close, and a new year means it's time to make resolutions. For homeowners associations, it means doing things better in the new year. Here are some of the best HOA New Year's resolutions that boards can make to improve their community!

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Short Term Rental Restrictions Continued

As we have seen, an HOA cannot just decide that it wants to prohibit short-term rentals one day. The prohibition must be grounded in some authority derived from the community declaration. For the most part, a community with an existing rental restriction in its mandate will have the right to enforce the regulation.

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Why You Should Volunteer for a Nonprofit Board Part I

Did you know that you don't have to be interested or involved in a specific cause to serve on a nonprofit board of directors? The fact is that there are lots of nonprofits right in your community that has vacancies on their boards of directors. A great deal of the time, they don't even require prior experience.

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