Social Committee Ideas for HOA Communities Part I

In this two-part guide, we'll explore practical tips on how to start an HOA social committee and the social committee roles it occupies. Social committee guidelines also call for a social chairperson, so next week, we will focus on social chair responsibilities.

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How to Create an HOA Board Resolution Plan

Within the context of a homeowners association, a resolution is a formal statement created by the board relating to the policies and decisions of the board. It contains information on the purpose of the solution, what action follows, and the board's authority to make that decision. Resolutions validate and support the board's operations.

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Can an HOA Board Install Bulk Cable and Internet?

Has your board of directors of your homeowners’ association recently consider a bulk contract for cable television and internet service for your community. While the association has not previously provided cable or internet service to the residents, the association signed the contract to force homeowners to pay for the service as part of their assessments.

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HOA Civility Living Tips

Civility, like chivalry, is becoming extremely rare. Differences of opinion are no longer allowed—either someone agrees with the other person, or both may reject any polite dialogue. Today's society needs healthy ways to manage disagreements and relationships, especially in your community HOAs. Here are some tips to consider regarding the dispute and what it means (or doesn't).

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Civic Engagement Commitments for HOAs

Residents living in homeowners' associations tend to be more civic-minded and engaged with community governance. According to the Foundation's research, 2.4 million residents volunteer to serve on community association governing boards or committees. Read on to learn more.

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