The Best Ideas for HOA Fourth of July Celebrations 

Fourth of July is right around the corner, so homeowners associations should take this chance to plan a community-wide event. Some of the perks of association living are getting an invite to exclusive events and forming deep relationships with neighbors.

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Holiday Q&A: Some Things Board Members Should Know for the Holidays

As the holidays approach, you may be wondering what are some important things to know concerning government documents or legal issues when it comes to board member rights and responsibilities. Check out this article where three common questions are answered about your HOA and board members.

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HOA Holiday Lights Safety Tips

HOA residents may be getting an early start on holiday décor this year. Lights are being strung on homes even earlier as they seek to find some extra joy during the COVID-19 pandemic. As is typical during the holiday season, homeowners should review any seasonal décor guidelines in their community and follow some simple steps to decorate safely.

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Visitor Parking During the Holidays

Thanksgiving typically means family gatherings, festive decorations, and plenty of food. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread throughout the country and government officials advise people to stay home to protect themselves, more Americans rethink their holiday plans.

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Holidays Guest User Holidays Guest User

Did the First Thanksgiving Take Place in St. Augustine, Florida?

Tradition and history have us believe that the first Thanksgiving took place in 1621 by the Pilgrims and Wampanoags in Plymouth, Massachusetts. However, some historians believe that Spanish colonists who landed in Florida feasted with Native Americans 50 years before the breaking of bread in Plymouth. Some claim that Florida is the location of the very first Thanksgiving dinner. 

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