What HOAs Should Do About Lifeguard Shortages
It's that time of year again when many community associations have opened or are planning to open their pools for the summer season. But while residents have been looking forward to sunny days spent by the poolside, nationwide lifeguard shortages may challenge communities' pool operations.
7 Trending Remodeling Ideas to Boost a Neighborhoods Curb Appeal
Read to learn about the top home remodeling jobs people are going for this year and why they're so helpful for every homeowner that wants to try them.
The Responsibilities of an HOA Community Manager
A community association manager's role is many. Association managers implement the policies set by the board of directors. They also oversee operations, services, and programs as laid out in the contract with the association. In addition, they provide information and advice to assist board members in their decision-making.
How to Avoid Pool Slips in Your HOA
The weather is starting to heat up, and visitors from all over the world are vacationing in sunny Florida. That means more people will be using the pool now and in the summer months. Learn how to avoid pool slips in your HOA with the following advice.
Community Safety Advice for Board Members
A top priority for any Condo or HOA board is resident safety. When neighbors feel safe, the community value increases. Also, it helps maintain the grounds from unwanted damages.
Your HOA Storm Cleanup Guide
Hurricane season is right around the corner. Residents should brace for strong winds, heavy rain, and flash flooding. Florida residents should be prepared to respond to a natural disaster effectively and efficiently.
6 Durable Renovation Projects to Reduce Maintenance
Constant building maintenance can be a massive issue for any rental or income property, especially with many units. However, reducing the amount of maintenance you have to do doesn't mean you have to reduce the quality of the property! These are some of the best ways to update your income properties so they can be low maintenance!
How to Retain New Homeowners in Your HOA
To be a genuinely successful HOA, you can't simply focus all your efforts on attracting new homeowners. Your board must also work hard to keep new and existing members. All methods from last week's post apply, but here are a few additional tips for retaining homeowners.
Short Term Rental Restrictions Continued
As we have seen, an HOA cannot just decide that it wants to prohibit short-term rentals one day. The prohibition must be grounded in some authority derived from the community declaration. For the most part, a community with an existing rental restriction in its mandate will have the right to enforce the regulation.
Five Tips to Cut Down on Playground Injuries in Your HOA
Does your community association manage a playground? You may be wondering what you can do to make sure you and your family are safe and compliant. Playgrounds are a great gathering place in the community—but unfortunately, they can spell danger for HOAs if they aren’t properly inspected and maintained.
How to Protect Your HOA from a Data Breach
Associations handle personally identifiable information daily, including homeowner names, addresses, bank account information, credit card numbers, credit histories, and Social Security numbers. Unfortunately, these items are attractive to cybercriminals, and as data thieves grow more sophisticated in their tactics, the potential risks of a data breach increase for an association.
First-Time Homebuyers Guide to HOAs
Do you have your eyes on a particular home? The first thing you should do is ask your real estate agent if it's part of a community association.
7 Steps to Keep Your HOA Healthy
Managing the daily operations of a homeowners association can make it hard for Florida board members and community managers to carve out time to evaluate the health of their association. Though it may be one more thing to do, knowing your community’s financial standing, curb appeal, and relationship with residents is well worth the time and effort.
Tips to Allocate Reserve Funds
This post focuses on the following question: How should HOAs allocate reserve fund contributions between the community's portion completed and future planned build-outs?
Four Tips to Protect Your HOA from Florida Snakes
Homeowner's associations may be worried about getting bitten by one of these snakes every time they step out of their car, into their garage, and walk out their door. Does an association have a responsibility to protect its residents from dangerous nature?
Growth Rates in HOAs and Condos in 2021
Condominium Associate's ongoing goal is to increase your community's value and experience by meeting every homeowner and community member's expectations. When working with our clients, we always draw on the community's specific needs and address all the details. As associations continue to grow, we can help you develop robust plans for your association's success in 2021 and beyond!
The Importance of Street Sweeping in HOAs
Maintaining a clean parking facility isn't just be a good idea. It should be a requirement. Street sweeping in homeowners associations or condos is not just for aesthetic reasons. It's also good for the environment.
Exclusive Use Areas in Your HOA and COA
Condominium Associates, with the help of HOAResources.com, helps answer some of the most common "exclusive use" questions about an HOA or COA.
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Your HOA
Some condominium or townhome documents contain specific requirements for charging stations, but most don't specifically address the subject. When the documents are silent on the matter, installing a charging station is typically handled as a request to modify the general or limited common elements.
How to Address HOA Bids for Contract Work
There are good reasons for homeowners associations to obtain multiple bids for contract work. Proposals help the association create a budget for long-range planning and ensure that the board selects the best contractor to complete the required work within the timeframe and contract specifications. Some boards believe they need three bids for every contract, no matter how small or undefined the work's scope. That's not always the right thing to do.