Preparing for the Worst: After Hurricane Ian
Maintain lines of communication with residents for as long as possible during a storm. Even if members don’t receive messages until after the fact, they let individuals know that the board cared and attempted to reach out.
What HOAs Should Do About Lifeguard Shortages
It's that time of year again when many community associations have opened or are planning to open their pools for the summer season. But while residents have been looking forward to sunny days spent by the poolside, nationwide lifeguard shortages may challenge communities' pool operations.
Tampa Bay’s FREE Hidden Treasures Part II
From the Yoga and Free Wine on Harbor Island to the beer tours at the Yuengling Brewing Company in Ybor City, Tampa Bay delivers some priceless gems. We at Condominium Associates want to share with you some of Tampa Bay's FREE Hidden Treasures!
Tampa Bay's FREE Hidden Treasures Part 1
There is a penny's worth of places in Tampa that make you feel like a million bucks. So, we at Condominium Associates want to share with you some of Tampa Bay's Hidden Treasures! The best parts are they are all free, family-friendly, and fun!