Electronic Voting: Can an HOA Board Vote By Email?
If permitted where you reside – could digital ballots be the answer for easy and convenient election participation by homeowners?
The Differences Between CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Rules & Regulations
The function of the CC&Rs or the property management company's role in implementing them can be confusing. Therefore, it’s always best to work with your management company to develop guidelines that work best for your community.
When to Use an HOA Secret Ballot
A set of board members elected into office make up the Homeowners associations. When it comes to elections, members typically have a few options, one being an HOA secret ballot.
Can an HOA Board Install Bulk Cable and Internet?
Has your board of directors of your homeowners’ association recently consider a bulk contract for cable television and internet service for your community. While the association has not previously provided cable or internet service to the residents, the association signed the contract to force homeowners to pay for the service as part of their assessments.