What HOAs Should Do About Lifeguard Shortages

It's that time of year again when many community associations have opened or are planning to open their pools for the summer season. But while residents have been looking forward to sunny days spent by the poolside, nationwide lifeguard shortages may challenge communities' pool operations.

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How to Avoid Pool Slips in Your HOA 

The weather is starting to heat up, and visitors from all over the world are vacationing in sunny Florida. That means more people will be using the pool now and in the summer months. Learn how to avoid pool slips in your HOA with the following advice.

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Five Tips to Cut Down on Playground Injuries in Your HOA

Does your community association manage a playground? You may be wondering what you can do to make sure you and your family are safe and compliant. Playgrounds are a great gathering place in the community—but unfortunately, they can spell danger for HOAs if they aren’t properly inspected and maintained.

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