Garage Sales in Your HOA Community
What if your HOA has rules about garage sales? This article details what you need to know before you begin.
The Differences Between CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Rules & Regulations
The function of the CC&Rs or the property management company's role in implementing them can be confusing. Therefore, it’s always best to work with your management company to develop guidelines that work best for your community.
What Your HOA Needs to Know About Homeowners Association Pet Restrictions
Pets can be integral members of a family and, thus, integral members of a community. The average homeowners association, or HOA, welcomes four-legged residents with open arms. HOA pet restrictions can help ensure that all residents of the HOA feel safe and comfortable while also creating safeguards against things like excessive barking and noise.
When to Use an HOA Secret Ballot
A set of board members elected into office make up the Homeowners associations. When it comes to elections, members typically have a few options, one being an HOA secret ballot.
How to Make an HOA Violation Letter
In every homeowner's association, there will be homeowners who break the rules accidentally or intentionally. That's why HOA boards must take non-compliance seriously.
Resolving Common HOA Parking Issues and Rules Enforcement
HOA parking rules are a common point of contention in homeowners associations. The key to resolving issues related to parking, though, lies in understanding what rules the HOA can and can't enforce.
How To Properly Handle HOA Violation Notices
The first step in a homeowners' association exercising its authority to enforce its rules involves proper notification to the homeowner. Read on to learn more!
Short-Term Rental Restrictions In HOAs
If the Association's declaration prohibits rentals (short-term or long), the HOA can likely enforce the prohibition unless there is some other reason why the restriction is unenforceable.
Exclusive Use Areas in Your HOA and COA
Condominium Associates, with the help of, helps answer some of the most common "exclusive use" questions about an HOA or COA.
Vaping and HOA Governing Documents
Associations that want to either limit or ban vaping in their community will need to take a careful look at their governing documents. Looking over these documents will determine whether they can do so through either rules and regulations or an amendment to their governing documents.