A Community Association Manager's Job
Having trained managers is vital for safety. The manager is the right person to notify if someone violates association rules.
Building a Strategic HOA Plan
We all have a vision for our community. Whether it's the neighborhood we reside in, the one we manage, or the one that we provide services to, there is a goal in mind. Having an idea for your community is just the start. Seeing it come to fruition requires collaboration, time, and strategic planning.
Condo Rental Insurance and What it Covers
Navigating rentals in a condo association is already hard enough; adding insurance can be maddening. Yet, condo rental insurance is a significant asset every condo rental owner should get.
The Responsibilities of an HOA Community Manager
A community association manager's role is many. Association managers implement the policies set by the board of directors. They also oversee operations, services, and programs as laid out in the contract with the association. In addition, they provide information and advice to assist board members in their decision-making.
Setting Expectations for Your HOA Management Company
We base the best relationships between HOAs and the management companies on open communication and clear expectations. However, suppose you're not exactly sure what your management company should be doing for your association. In that case, it can be challenging to determine if you're getting the total value of your service agreement. Here's how to set appropriate expectations with your management company—and why it's crucial.
Surfside Response: Actions Condo Board Members Should Take Now
In the months after the devastating collapse of Champlain Tower South Condominium Association in Surfside, Florida, residents and board members are questioning how to keep themselves and their property safe.
For Better or Worse—Bill Pay to Strengthen HOA Relationships
Like any relationship, one built on trust is an important one between an association's board members and its community association management company. It's the primary reason this relationship exists in the first place. A board of directors calls on a management company to help execute the responsibilities it has to its residents. Therefore the way a management company pays its bills can significantly impact the level of trust and overall quality of the relationship—for better or worse.
A Healthy Budget in the Time of COVID-19 Part I
The COVID-19 pandemic is creating financial impacts that may change the course of dues in the future. Board members may have to invest in extra cleaning, disinfecting, and other services to help keep residents safe and healthy. At the same time, however, your association's residents may have difficulty making their assessment payments.
Should Your HOA Reopen its Pools and Recreational Facilities?
It’s important to make the right decision for your community, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to reopening your community facilities. In this article, we give you suggestions on how your board should make the decision to reopen facilities or not.
COVID-19 and the Properties We Manage
As always, we are here for the properties we manage. Therefore, we want to provide you with CDC and Florida Department of Health resources on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The following post includes a list of pages from the CDC website and the Florida Department of Health. Please click on the title link to redirect to the source.
How to Avoid Five Common Annual Meeting Mistakes
January is the annual meeting time for many condos and HOAs. Our expert property managers offer insight on how to begin working now to avoid five common annual meeting mistakes.