HOA Document Hierarchies: Which are the Most Important? 

HOAs are governed by many rules and regulations — to a point where it may confuse board members and homeowners alike. To avoid a misunderstanding, familiarize yourself with the homeowners association documents and which HOA documents take precedence in your community.

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Can a Florida HOA Evict a Tenant?

When new owners purchase condominiums and other residences governed by homeowners' associations (HOAs), they agree to the terms of your HOA's bylaws. However, a tenant who rents a home in these communities—with the owner acting as the landlord—may not be subject to HOA rules.

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Attracting New Homeowners to Improve the HOA Experience

A homeowners association would be nothing without its homeowners. So when properties are available, an HOA should do its best to seek out new homeowners to live in the community. But, how do you even begin to do that?

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More HOA New Year's Resolutions

As we said last week, 2021 is coming to a close, and a new year means it's time to make resolutions. For homeowners associations, it means doing things better in the new year. Here are more of the best HOA New Year's resolutions that boards can make to improve their community!

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Holiday Q&A: Some Things Board Members Should Know for the Holidays

As the holidays approach, you may be wondering what are some important things to know concerning government documents or legal issues when it comes to board member rights and responsibilities. Check out this article where three common questions are answered about your HOA and board members.

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What Tasks Do Community Association Management Companies Handle?

The board's job is to make decisions. HOA association management companies work on the association's behalf. Management companies have no decision-making power over the HOA. However, they do act at the board's behest. The management's job is to carry them out.

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Setting Expectations for Your HOA Management Company

We base the best relationships between HOAs and the management companies on open communication and clear expectations. However, suppose you're not exactly sure what your management company should be doing for your association. In that case, it can be challenging to determine if you're getting the total value of your service agreement. Here's how to set appropriate expectations with your management company—and why it's crucial.

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The Role of the Board of Directors

A homeowners association is the cornerstone of a planned community. When run properly, it brings continuity, preserves architectural integrity, maintains common areas, protects property values, and promotes the concept of "community." Every association should be responsible for its assets and operation following state laws and the community's governing documents.

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Handling Trespassing Situations In Your HOA

Trespassing in HOA communities is a common concern. Usually, the situation involves either the HOA entering a homeowner's property or a homeowner entering community property. Regardless of the actual situation, the association must know how to handle this issue. Failure to provide awareness can result in severe consequences for either party.

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