Latest Trend: Remote Condo/HOA Meetings
HOAs and Condo Associations may be able to continue holding virtual meetings, even when the coast is clear of the pandemic.
Mental Health Issues in Your Community
Mental health issues aren't new to community associations, but the pandemic has heightened these feelings and behaviors. It has become overwhelming for many managers and board members. I
COVID-19 Vaccines and Your HOA
It's hard to believe we are approaching the one-year mark of social distancing and shutdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time, the vaccine is becoming more and readily available across the country. HOA Resources asked two community association law attorneys to answer board members' and HOA residents' questions about residents and the COVID-19 vaccine.
A Healthy Budget in the Time of COVID-19 Part II
You may be able to enhance value and save money on budget items you never considered. The even better news? Our professional property management company can help! In some cases, that may mean getting higher value for your money than seeing instant savings. Read on to learn more.
A Healthy Budget in the Time of COVID-19 Part I
The COVID-19 pandemic is creating financial impacts that may change the course of dues in the future. Board members may have to invest in extra cleaning, disinfecting, and other services to help keep residents safe and healthy. At the same time, however, your association's residents may have difficulty making their assessment payments.
Recession-Proof Your HOA from a Maintenance View
Without sufficient funds, how can HOAs complete necessary maintenance in their communities if they didn’t plan? As the U.S. economy gets hit by COVID-19, managers need to use preventative maintenance measures to avoid future issues.
Coronavirus and the New Playground Rules
Playgrounds may look a little different this summer. If your community is still following a strict protocol due to COVID-19, please be patient and abide by the mandates of the association leaders. Read more to learn what you can do to make your community a safe community.
COVID-19 Cybercrime & How to Prevent It
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many disruptions in our everyday lives. From At Home Learning to remote working, many Americans are unsure of this unpredictable situation. Worse yet, cybercriminals are taking advantage of this fear to launch attacks on the vulnerable.
Should Your HOA Reopen its Pools and Recreational Facilities?
It’s important to make the right decision for your community, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to reopening your community facilities. In this article, we give you suggestions on how your board should make the decision to reopen facilities or not.
COVID-19 and the Properties We Manage
As always, we are here for the properties we manage. Therefore, we want to provide you with CDC and Florida Department of Health resources on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The following post includes a list of pages from the CDC website and the Florida Department of Health. Please click on the title link to redirect to the source.
Resources for Homeowners Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Condominium Associates' dedication to its customers comes in many forms, especially during times of crisis. With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, we understand that everyone's lives are being affected. Therefore, we want to help our board members, homeowners, and contractors during this difficult time. We provide resources for homeowners amid the COVID-19 pandemic.