Tips to Handle Meddling HOA Residents


Do you have a resident who often meddles in the affairs of committees that isn't his/her business? You could issue a cease-and-desist letter, but what else could you do?

One may mistake highly vocal residents as nitpickers. Some nitpickers are anxious and worrisome, and they may nitpick because of their need to feel in control. Fortunately, community associations have several less litigious options before pursuing a cease-and-desist letter or a lawsuit. Those options include:

Involve the Owner

 Often nitpicking owners can have their energy redirected in beneficial ways, becoming part of the solution instead of the problem. If the person's skill set and personality are a good fit, add them as a member, and put their energy to work.

Deescalate the Rhetoric

Often, confrontation only escalates the discourse. An experienced committee chairperson can control the dialogue and prevent one person from dominating the discussion. Consider setting the committee meeting ground rules in advance and prohibit attendance from any owner unwilling to abide by them. Once the owner has made their point, consider inviting the person to submit possible solutions, preferably in writing, and ask him or her to participate in implementing the proposed solution.

Standardize Committee Procedures

If one method of communication is creating an avenue for "meddling," change the procedures. Consider requiring questions to be submitted in advance. The committee charter also can be revised to make clear that the committee is not obligated to respond to inquiries that are not constructive.

Meet with the Meddler

Consider inviting the meddling owner to a non-confrontation meeting to address their concerns. If the owner has valid concerns, this format may create an environment that encourages a cooperative solution. If, on the other hand, the meddler's purpose is to grandstand before others, this format will eliminate one of the perceived benefits of being disruptive. If the owner refuses to meet in private, consider restricting communication to writing.

Close the Meetings

Most state statutes do not require committee meetings to be open to community members. So long as that's the case in your community, consider closing committee meetings and providing only minutes or posting recordings afterward.

Use Conflict Resolution

Community associations should resolve conflict through a constructive, people-centered strategy. Many communities turn to alternative dispute resolution and consensus building to foster greater understanding and improve communication to reach that goal.

Contact Us

Need help with a meddling neighbor? Don't escalate the conflict--call us! Our association managers are here to help you with these issues safely and conveniently for all. Contact us today