How to Handle Community Conflict During HOA Meetings
What you can do to peacefully and proactively handle the neighborhood bully so the rest of the community can feel at ease and have their voices heard.
Tips to Handle Meddling HOA Residents
One may mistake highly vocal residents as nitpickers. Some nitpickers are anxious and worrisome, and they may nitpick because of their need to feel in control. Fortunately, community associations have several less litigious options before pursuing a cease-and-desist letter or a lawsuit.
Conflicts Between Board Members And Homeowners Part II
The remedies available to homeowners for handling a problematic board member depend, in part, on the applicable state's laws and the HOA's governing documents.
Issues HOA Boards Share
Even the seasoned HOA Board Member could use a refresher on the logistics of HOA Board issues. HOA Board-membership is unique because there are few other scenarios in which a group of volunteers assembles to manage their local community. No matter the location, all HOA boards face a set of similar demanding situations. Being prepared for these situations and knowing that you can turn to Condominium Associates for advice will help you if any of these issues occur. Here are some problems HOA Boards share and what to do about them.