Top Signs Of A Problem HOA Board Member
It’s best to address issues with a Board Member before they can do too much damage. Here are the warning signs that a problem with an HOA board member exists.
Resolving Conflicts In Your HOA The Right Way
The key to successful HOA management is knowing how to deal with conflict when it arises.
Can HOA Board Members be Sued by Homeowners?
HOA board members are always concerned about getting sued. The good news is that this does not happen as much as we think. A lawsuit is a severe matter; it can drain one's time, energy, finances, resources, and emotions.
Tips to Handle Meddling HOA Residents
One may mistake highly vocal residents as nitpickers. Some nitpickers are anxious and worrisome, and they may nitpick because of their need to feel in control. Fortunately, community associations have several less litigious options before pursuing a cease-and-desist letter or a lawsuit.
Five Tips to Cut Down on Playground Injuries in Your HOA
Does your community association manage a playground? You may be wondering what you can do to make sure you and your family are safe and compliant. Playgrounds are a great gathering place in the community—but unfortunately, they can spell danger for HOAs if they aren’t properly inspected and maintained.
Four Tips to Protect Your HOA from Florida Snakes
Homeowner's associations may be worried about getting bitten by one of these snakes every time they step out of their car, into their garage, and walk out their door. Does an association have a responsibility to protect its residents from dangerous nature?
Flags, Banners, and Signs in HOA Communities
Every HOA has different rules for displaying flags, whether they be the American flag, a garden flag, or a banner with a resident's favorite football team. These rules promote uniformity within community associations and avoid the potential proliferation of flags, banners, and emblems.
Hoarding and Florida Law
At Condominium Associates, we are sensitive to the needs of all our community members. To protect the association, here is a list of legal obligations a community has when it comes to hoarders.