Condo Rental Insurance and What it Covers
Navigating rentals in a condo association is already hard enough; adding insurance can be maddening. Yet, condo rental insurance is a significant asset every condo rental owner should get.
How to Create an HOA Board Resolution Plan
Within the context of a homeowners association, a resolution is a formal statement created by the board relating to the policies and decisions of the board. It contains information on the purpose of the solution, what action follows, and the board's authority to make that decision. Resolutions validate and support the board's operations.
What if HOA Members want to Sue to the Board?
Has your board instituted an ethics policy for all directors and committees? Typically, the first requirement is that all nominees for directors sign a confidentiality promise never to sue the board. So, if a board member does something wrong, illegal or unethical, how can the HOA get relief?