HOA Halloween Safety Tips
Halloween is such a wonderful, festive time for children and their families. However, it can also be scary for HOAs to deal with the excess activities it brings.
Resolving Common HOA Parking Issues and Rules Enforcement
HOA parking rules are a common point of contention in homeowners associations. The key to resolving issues related to parking, though, lies in understanding what rules the HOA can and can't enforce.
Are Your HOA Rules Causing Parking Problems? Part II
In most associations, the assignment of one or more spaces is for each unit. Boards should use their rule-making authority to adopt parking policies that require owners to park in their assigned areas. That gives the association the power to enforce the rules if an owner violates this provision.
Are Your HOA Rules Causing Parking Problems? Part I
Many association leaders know all too well that conflicts over parking spaces can elicit strong emotional responses. These emotions often result in angry phone or email messages and sometimes result in worse, such as physical altercations to persons or property.
Visitor Parking During the Holidays
Thanksgiving typically means family gatherings, festive decorations, and plenty of food. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread throughout the country and government officials advise people to stay home to protect themselves, more Americans rethink their holiday plans.