The Business Judgement Rule

Association board members have the challenging task of governing and managing the matters of their communities. They are responsible for making necessary decisions that impact the lives of the association members. In carrying out these responsibilities, board members must exercise their business judgment.

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The Way to Address an HOA Mold Problem

An HOA mold problem is often a point of contention since there is usually a debate on which party is liable for it. Does it fall under the association's responsibility, or should the homeowner answer to the charges? Read on to learn more!

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Can HOA Board Members be Sued by Homeowners?

HOA board members are always concerned about getting sued. The good news is that this does not happen as much as we think. A lawsuit is a severe matter; it can drain one's time, energy, finances, resources, and emotions.

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Can a Florida HOA Evict a Tenant?

When new owners purchase condominiums and other residences governed by homeowners' associations (HOAs), they agree to the terms of your HOA's bylaws. However, a tenant who rents a home in these communities—with the owner acting as the landlord—may not be subject to HOA rules.

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Short Term Rental Restrictions Continued

As we have seen, an HOA cannot just decide that it wants to prohibit short-term rentals one day. The prohibition must be grounded in some authority derived from the community declaration. For the most part, a community with an existing rental restriction in its mandate will have the right to enforce the regulation.

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