FLORIDA HB403: How the Bill Affects HOAS

While operating a home-based business in Florida isn't a problem, the bill introduces a few key issues. Homeowners associations, in particular, are worried that the legislation might alter the character of the communities. Read on to learn more.

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Can HOA Board Members be Sued by Homeowners?

HOA board members are always concerned about getting sued. The good news is that this does not happen as much as we think. A lawsuit is a severe matter; it can drain one's time, energy, finances, resources, and emotions.

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Tips to Handle Meddling HOA Residents

One may mistake highly vocal residents as nitpickers. Some nitpickers are anxious and worrisome, and they may nitpick because of their need to feel in control. Fortunately, community associations have several less litigious options before pursuing a cease-and-desist letter or a lawsuit.

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 Preparing for an HOA Volunteer Role

A homeowners association (HOA) is no better than the board of directors that leads it. The association must develop excellent and willing volunteers for it to be successful. Outstanding board members understand that their position is of service rather than control. They serve their neighbors; they don’t supervise them. A service-forward attitude results in a defenseless perspective, so new ideas and opinions are welcomed and not perceived as insults or threats.

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