Preventing Packages from Getting Stolen in Your HOA
It’s an all-too-familiar scenario: A long-awaited package finally arrives, only to be taken from your front porch before you get home. Luckily, you can do a few things to minimize the chances of getting a package stolen off your porch.
Short-Term Rental Restrictions In HOAs
If the Association's declaration prohibits rentals (short-term or long), the HOA can likely enforce the prohibition unless there is some other reason why the restriction is unenforceable.
Setting Expectations for Your HOA Management Company
We base the best relationships between HOAs and the management companies on open communication and clear expectations. However, suppose you're not exactly sure what your management company should be doing for your association. In that case, it can be challenging to determine if you're getting the total value of your service agreement. Here's how to set appropriate expectations with your management company—and why it's crucial.
Surfside Response: Actions Condo Board Members Should Take Now
In the months after the devastating collapse of Champlain Tower South Condominium Association in Surfside, Florida, residents and board members are questioning how to keep themselves and their property safe.
Exclusive Use Areas in Your HOA and COA
Condominium Associates, with the help of, helps answer some of the most common "exclusive use" questions about an HOA or COA.