Social Committee Ideas for HOA Communities Part II


In last week's post, we explored practical tips on how to start an HOA social committee and the social committee roles it occupies. Social committee guidelines also call for a social chairperson, so we will focus on social chair responsibilities this week.

Different Types of HOA Social Committees

As a subset of the HOA board, the social committee need not exist separate from the rest of the board itself. Depending on your HOA board composition and the bylaws and culture of your association, you may have one of three kinds of HOA social committees.

  • Ad-hoc Social Committees – These are formed, often on the spot, to oversee an event. Ad-hoc committees consist of regular members. A new ad-hoc social committee develops when another event comes along. 

  • Fixed / Standing Social Committees  – Fixed social committees are the opposite of ad-hoc ones. Establish a functional committee, whether there is an ongoing event or not. Standing HOA social committees are ideal for overseeing seasonal or yearly events that your community frequently observes. Fixed social committees are also mentioned in the HOA bylaws and are usually established as an extension of the HOA board.

  • Mandatory Social Committees – Mandatory committees are explicitly specified in the bylaws of an HOA or its other governing documents. So if your bylaw clearly states that an HOA social committee should be established for a specific event, then that social committee is also a mandatory committee or subcommittee. Your HOA must select one for that particular purpose, as the bylaws or CC&Rs state. The Board cannot abolish these committees as well.

Engaging Residents in Your Community 

The most efficient way to bring together neighbors is by scheduling social events periodically that residents will enjoy. Speaking of social media before, residents can also spread the word online to decrease the need for physical marketing of the events. It's an excellent way to take advantage of technology. People may be more likely to see it on social media.

Your HOA social committee can be responsible for setting up the events for the community. This way, they can also determine what residents would respond to best. For example, a good event idea could be a wine get-together. A different neighbor can even host it each time too.

Involve the kids with a craft night or dog parade! Or your community would like an informal get-together every first Friday. Events that are fun and relatively simple to plan are good ideas.

Community Event Ideas for HOA Social Events

Need HOA event ideas for your neighborhood? Apart from the usual holiday festivities, you can organize your HOA social committee to brainstorm on different types of events.

For instance, you can create specific HOA events for adults, children, or the entire community. 

Here are some HOA social committee ideas to start with:

  • Aerobics, Yoga, and Fitness Classes

  • Beer & Wine Swap Meets and Sampling Events

  • Bingo Nights

  • Book and Trivia Clubs With Contests

  • Car Wash Fundraisers

  • Card Tournament Game Nights

  • Community Gardens

  • Community Pool Parties

  • Fall Festivals

  • Ice Cream and BBQ Cookout Socials

  • Neighborhood Garage Sales

  • Neighborhood Karaoke Contests

  • Online Seminars for Home Improvement Projects

  • Outdoor Movie Nights

  • Sports Tournaments

  • Video and Board Game Tournaments

  • Virtual Trivia Nights

  • Walking Clubs

  • Welcome Party for New Residents

  • Zoom or Livestream Parties

Each association is unique, so events that may work for one community may not work for another. When considering fun community event ideas, it is essential to consider the demographics, location, and size of your HOA. Additionally, you should consider your budget and gauge resident interest. It will also help solicit ideas for neighborhood social events from the homeowners.

HOA Social Committee Ideas Keep A Community Together 

Giving homeowners association members a chance to get to know one another on a deeper level is a perfect way to impact Board governance and residents' satisfaction positively. Start planning today to get homeowners away from their computers and face-to-face with their neighbors.

Need help creating a social committee agenda for your community? Contact Condominium Associates today for more information! 


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Social Committee Ideas for HOA Communities Part I