Can (or Should) You Have Chickens In Your HOA?


It's no secret that owning chickens remains a hot topic within HOAs across the country, but many people fear the idea. Whether it be noise, smell, property value, or other concerns, homeowners and board members want to know, is having chickens in your community worth it?

Property Value and Chickens 

A common theme when considering chickens is whether the property value would lower with the additional presence of poultry in your community. The consensus among realtors, and even some council members, is that property value will not be lowered so long as the outbuilding (dwelling for chickens) remains clean and up to date on any necessary repairs.

Additionally, it's best to consider factors such as noise, smell, and safety to protect property value when defining HOA rules and regulations surrounding poultry.

Do Chickens Have a Bad Odor? 

It is entirely understandable if your initial response is to associate bad smells and noises with chickens if you have yet to have much experience around them. However, it’s a myth that chickens smell bad. While it is true that the feces of chickens can stink if not properly cleaned, this is also true of any other animal (whether pet or livestock) that leaves waste in the yard. Chickens do not stink, and as long as a homeowner maintains their yard as they would for another pet, it should not be an issue.

Do Chickens Make a Lot of Noise?

Noise is also a concern for many board members and their homeowners. Associations that allow chickens usually implement a strict "no rooster" rule to prevent loud noise. Many homeowners keep chickens because of the eggs they provide. Roosters are unnecessary for a hen to lay eggs, and not having them will decrease the noise levels significantly, allowing everyone to sleep in and enjoy their community without interruption.

Safety When it Comes to Chickens in Your HOA

Comfort and safety matter as much for the chickens as other pets and livestock. If your community is considering whether or not to allow chickens to live within the HOA, do your research. Find out what rules and regulations other associations have put into place for their homeowners, and consider the needs of your community.

An HOA also should consider nuisance restrictions, defined as anything that "interfere[s] with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property…" These restrictions protect homeowners from many issues, and their definition should be followed when considering what rules to implement if your community allows poultry.

Contact Us Today With Questions

People are searching for alternatives, with everyone discussing the rising cost of eggs. Incorporating chickens into your HOA is a board and community decision. We suggest thoroughly researching your state and local laws and what nearby associations do regarding chickens in their communities. Contact us today if you need assistance! 


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