Community Green Initiatives
Promote Green Initiatives in your Community with Energy Star appliances, green pest control, green cleaning, green landscaping, and adequate waste reduction and recycling programs.
At Condominium Associates, we are serious about going green. While being environmentally conscious is trendy--and we like to be trendsetters--we also know the money-saving power attached to green initiatives.
Ask yourself, "When's the last time our HAO performed any of the following: energy assessments, water use, and green building principles and general practices?" If your answer is, "not that long ago," then you are on the right track on keeping your dues at a cost-effective rate. But did you know there are other ways you can protect the environment and still cut costs? Many elements make a green community genuinely green. In this article, you will learn about five other energy-saving, cost-effective ways to keep Mother Earth and your resident's pocketbooks happy.
Energy-Efficient Appliances and Fixtures
Properties built green already have them, but those considering a green property upgrade should think of installing them: we're talking about Energy Star rated appliances like dishwashers, refrigerators, ovens, and laundry machines. Tenants love energy-efficient appliances because they cost them less money on their utility bills. Not only are these modern appliances eco-friendly, but many energy-efficient appliances produce less heat during use – an additional benefit during warm seasons.
Green Pest Control
Eco-conscious people possibly detest the use of pesticides more than just about anything. Therefore, fostering green pest control practices is vital for tenants who don't want to come home to the scent of chemicals. An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) certification indicates that a pest control company trains its staff to use green pest control techniques. Look for these types of preventive and maintenance services instead of a traditional exterminator. Certifications to look for in green pest control contractors include those from EcoWise, GreenPro, and Greenshield.
Waste Reduction & Recycling
Does your waste management company offer to recycle? Do they provide real recycling, complete with clearly identifiable bins at no cost to residents? If not, then you should search for such a provider. Going green is all about recycling by both property management staff and tenants, and there's nothing green tenants love more than feeling like they're a part of the solution. Make it easy for them to feel great with a well-defined and implemented waste reduction and recycling plan for the community.
Green Rental Property Cleaning Methods
Green cleaning is another sure-fire way to protect the environment. Be sure to employ the expertise of a green cleaning company. When it comes to the housekeeping staff, they should only use eco-friendly cleaning solutions, preferably those made of diluted solutions that lack harsh chemicals.
Green Landscaping and Lighting
Green lighting should feature compact fluorescent light bulbs and timers. In contrast, motion-activated lighting can be useful within non-essential areas. Lighting is necessary for protection at night, and water keeps the landscaping alive. Still, thrifty use is impressive to residents who don't like to see valuable resources wasted on any level.
There are plenty of small, easy ways to green your HOA community beyond these few steps. Be sure to promote your eco-friendly property features via social media and other advertising means.